Kanji Kamakodi Beedam's credibility

Topic started by Guru (@ 1cust207.tnt1.irving2.tx.da.uu.net) on Sun Sep 30 17:45:58 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Any one who supports Jayalalitha directly or Indirectly is generally considered to be equally worse.

I see that Jaya asks remedies for her problems in politics with Kanji Kamagodi beedam. The swamigal in that territory seem to be extending some ideas and some political influences at the center level to rescue her and some times even conduct poojas and Homams in the so called saint place.

I really suspect the credibilty of those Swamigal. Till hearing those efforts by Swamigal, I thought that place is something special for Hindus to get rid of worries trusting them.

Now I can put Premanandha ahead of those so called saints having fun at Kanji cheating true beleivers. Because Prem does agree that he is a bad man. But these oppurtunistic saints having a shield of people's trust are doing these illicit activities at political level.

How many of you guys still have trust with these idiots staying in Kamagodi beedam? I am not attacking all saints. But those staying there and helping People like Jeyalalitha on communal grounds. Or do you feel it is not on communal grounds but they may have the illicit money flowing in that madam too?


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