Topic started by Selvam (@ on Sat Aug 4 04:08:42 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.


I am glad to get into the Tamil Forum! (Name of the website should have had a tamil relaed name!)

If you are a tamizhan, and have travelled abroad, have you had some difficulty with your name(s)?

People ask me what is my first name? I mention three names to them! (Some ask me what is my Christian name; my "Christian" names don't sound Christian, though I am one, because my names are in tamil. But this is no problem.) When they ask me what is my surname or second name, I end up mentioning my father's Christian/first name.
Do you see the confusion?

In schools in TN, our names always began with the initials of the names of the father. The same is maintained in our passports. My name in the passport reads as follows: Myfather's-first-name Myname1 Myname2 Myname3. Now, to non-tamils, Myname3 seems to be the surname and myfather's name seems to be my first name.

Can we work out a policy on this, without losing our tamil identity? For instance, putting name of the father/spouse at the end in the passport, or using some sort of family names!

What do you think?


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