Can you donate some money to MICRO-CREDIT lending agencies please

Topic started by Srini (@ on Fri May 18 04:46:33 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.


We need to address several issues of the underprivileged in India. More importantly that of ensuring their right to livelihood in the wake of Globalization.

Service industry accounts for about 45% of India's GDP, and is expected to still grow. Regardless of the macro-economic relaities like Govt. spend on Healthcare, Education etc. we as Indians (citizens/nationals/NRI) can do our bit in helping a few poor families to start some economic activity of their capability and thus increase their hopes/chances of survival. And a growing service industry is a good sign for disorganized lot to offer some service or the other and make a living. Unlike capital-intensive manufacturing, Services require more of ingenuity, diligence and the seed 'working capital'.

There may be umpteen ways to express our solidarity and support. I for one, sincerely believe more in the abilities of Micro-Credit lending agencies, on the lines of Grameen Bank of Bangladesh ( Please key in "Mohammed Yunus Grameen Bank" in google search to get more links/knowledge on the concept and wonder that Micro-Credit is all about. For instance, you may come across this URL:

Well, the point is most of us anyway can choose to ignore $25-50 every month. Whereas for some poor lady in Ramanathapuram or a Struggling fisherman near Cuddalore it could buy a device/tool with which they can further their sustainable economic activities. Remember, I am not talking of donation. It's lending.

There are a few nodal agencies that try to identify NGOs working in given regions and help reach out the Micro-Credits to the people concerned with minimum overheads and loss of capital. Once the person concerned pays back, that money goes to help another person and so on. You would be surprised to know that the repayment rate in such Micro-Credit banks are to the tune of 98% ! Amazing ..isn't it ?

There's one such lending agency that I know of: based out of France (they are about to open an office in India soon). They are supporting one NGO in NE India and are looking for further projects to be supported in India. They also need lots of 'small' contributions from people like us.

I request you to kindly visit the site at least once, and learn about Micro-Credit system and note the URL in your diary. Whenever you feel like donating any money, instead of spending on Temple or on some other charity, you may as well consider this as a mode bcoz the money that you give here multiplies the number of beneficiaries, it's not a one time charity that people use and later beg again.

Also, if your company or some other corporate body is willing to contribute it's bit, please encourage them to do so.

Thanks for your time. Those of you who had responded to my earlier similar post may kindly excuse the repetition here.


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