How can anyone be this funny?

Topic started by Esha (@ on Mon Dec 23 02:48:41 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

A friend of mine(Yash)who stays in Amsterdam told me this hilarious thing that happened to his friend(Sunny).

Sunn whose not so good in english but very good in dutch,came to visit.
these two went out for a walk in the mall.
it happens so, sunny got the attention of a local girl, n she came over to say hi.
this is the conversation...i mean the real exchange between sunny n the girl!!! oh ihow icracked up laughing!!!!

Girl: hi...
sunny: hi..
girl: do you speak english?
Sunny : Yes, little bitch!

Girl: stupid!
n she walks away!

Sunny to Yash in hindi: hei yash..why did she say stupid yaar?

imagine how my friend was laughing!
im still laughing just thinkign about it!


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