Steve Waugh - Trying to catch fish out off Pond

Topic started by vagees (@ on Tue Nov 20 23:45:44 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

It is a shame to the captain of greatest cricket team(Ateast this era) to defend Mike Denness.

This guy I feel is trying to settle his score against Tendulkar.(For his superior position and popularity)

No player is above law. This is what said by waugh. You bloody idiot do you mean that?

Then why the hell you have the ugliest and cheapest cricketer ever McGrath with you?

Why did not you sack Slater for abusing Dravid and dishonesting umpire?

Why can't you sack Shane warne who abuses all the batsmen on the field and some English nurses off the field?

Why cant' you sack your brother and Shane warne who agreed that he got bribe to betray his own country? (Your brother may sell your family for a few thousands more beware!)

Why can't you punish Ponting who is misbehaving in every match whether he fields or bats?

Why can't you punish Kasprowitz, Gillespie for their persistent misbehaviour?

Why can't you try to correct the action of Brett Lee before trying to find fault out of Murali and Shoib Akhtar?

Mr Waugh!! You can't match Tendulkar on the field. If you have guts, come on and try to reach any of his achievments.

First take distilled water to clean you and your ugly players and try to comment on the genius Tendulkar you bloody crook!!!


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