Crazy about certifications?

Topic started by TT (@ on Wed May 2 03:57:02 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Long time back Novell started the CNE program. Many of the Engineering graduates who wanted to get better jobs went for this certification hoping that it will bring good fortune for them. But then, alas!, Novell stumbled and lost its battle to Microsoft. Then people immediately wanted to get an MCSE. No one cared about the CNE5 program. Everyone tried to complete MCSE and MCSD by hook or crook. Some centers were even ready to arrange for ghost test writers and give question banks to those who will pay for it. Some of those who completed MCSE got better jobs. While others were still on the lookout for jobs, the market was flooded with lots of MCSEs and Microsoft lost its charm. So again people turned to Java, ASP, Sun Solaris, etc. Again certification. Again saturation. How long this will go on? True - certification gives basic ideas about the product. But where to get the practical exposure? For companies it may give profit through exam fees, etc. Also it acts as an effective marketing tool. But what about the candidates? They lose their money and before they could get a job, they are asked to go for another certification. Are these certified people (without any practical knowledge) still on demand anywhere?


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