Do we need so much festivals?

Topic started by vibhu (@ on Wed Feb 6 06:51:57 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

In India we have so many festivals in a year. Bengalis have at least one Pooja per month. Other states are also not much way behind.
We have Pongal, /Sankranthi,/ Uttarayan, saraswathi pooja, Holi,Ugadhi, Vishu,Bihu,Janmashtami, Ganesh Chathurthi, Mansa Pooja, Karthika, Durga Pooja/Dassara/Navrathri, Laksmi Pooja, Viswakarma Pooja,Onam, Deepavali/Kalipooja, Ram navami, Budha Poornima etc etc etc …
We have festivals in local temples etc..
We have National holidays like I-day R-day Gandhi’s birthday etc
In addition we celebrate the English new year and even many other special days of the west are also getting popularized in India at least in the urban area( eg. Valentines day, Father’s day, Mother’s day etc
Festivals do have a significant contribution in refreshing the minds of people and give some joy to their otherwise tense life.
Do we really need to celebrate all these festivals and end up with high waste of money and time? Even the poor and middle class people are spending too much for the festivals. In Kerala we say “Kaanam vittum Onam unnanam” ( We have to celebrate Onam even if we have to sell our property for that) .
I would like to share your views on the advantages and disadvantages of having such a large number of festivals and your views on the necessity of them


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