WE HAVE WON PAKISTAN!!!!!!!!!!! We have won world cup!!! celeberate!!!!!!!!!!

Topic started by mmc (@ netcache.spectranet.com) on Sat Mar 1 13:32:39 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

What a wonderful victory for India!

Vaarthaigalal vivarikka iyalatha magizhchi.

My friends were shouting and dancing.

We wouldnt have been this much happy even by winning world cup!

I am a person who is never interested in cricket.But this match made me sit before TV and i couldnt even move for food.

We were talking.One person suggested that this is just sports.

Everyone jumped to silence him.This is not just sports This is victory of Pluralism over Fundamentalism.Yes, we have two muslims in our team and both did wonderfull defeating the Pakis in the process.

This victory couldnt have come in a more opputune moment.We have played against pakis after a gap of 2 years and 8 months.

This is being played after the sep11 th incident..this is being played when the civil society is at threat by elements which madly beleive in some version of God and think that the Almighty is on their side.

I am also happy that this match was won in a place which has the second largest Indian population in South Africa.I am happy that this will bring our south african brothers and sisters(fridge excluded ...hehe) closer to us after a long gap in communication and emotional interlinkage.

I was very happy to see some muslim Indians in the stadium rejoice and celeberate.This is the real victory for India.Fanaticism is being defeated and pluralism and the Tamil culture, which taught 'Yadhum oorey yavarum kelir' won over the mistaken notions of division of world and communities into beleivers and non-beleivers.

Mohammed Kaif is to be appreciated for his wonderful perseverance and for installing stability at a crucial moment.

vazhga India! OOnguga namathu otrumai!!!

P.S: they were asking rameez raja as to whether pakis will take this lightly...he gave an embarassing laugh and said,"are u joking?" ...hehe paaaavan pakis.I wont be surprised if there are any suicides there...



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