what stand BJP should adopt now?

Topic started by R.GANESH (@ on Sat Jan 3 13:49:24 EST 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Every where the Loksaba Election 2004 for India is being talked now.
To my opinion ,voters have a least choice of choosing the BJP ,else than other parties.
By watching their past records,their governance is the best indeed.

so we voters ,must narrow down to BJP only.

ok ,now we will see what BJP should adapt?

1)Select young educated candidate ,who is having a clean /honest back ground.

2)In the election maniefesto,they should chalk out the schemes as how they will progress India in the next five years?
3)They should never highlight the deficiency of the opposition parties ,which subsequently boost up their image.
3)Make a professional study of each constituency,with help of any consultants or some company so as to survey the problems and remedials in that constituency.
4)They can totally adapt our president shri A.P.J,Kalam 's "vision 2020 " as their main agenda for election.This may benefit the country as well as BJP.
5)They can high light their tenure's splendid performance such as :
i)external policy--improvement in relation with PAK ,there by reduction in budget for defence.
ii)image of india is improved enhanced infront of the foreign nations.
iii)timely stand on Afghanistan,Iraq ,Srilanka issues.
iv)improved relation with china.
v)sustained the ecconomic recession and avoided any Major burst of ecconomy.
vi)significant improvement in telecommunications.
vii)significant improvement in infrastructure like paving the way for quadraple high ways etc..
viii)improvement in J&K .
ix)paved some way for eradicating the unemployment
x)led the consensus truly democratic government,

points which needs to be avoided:
i)any strained relation with our neighbour countries.
ii)any sudden burst out of corruption charges.
iii)not to get dragged in any major issues.
iv)not to present any hard Railway as Well as union budget.
v)not to touch the so called secular issues like RAMJAN BOOMI /RATH YATRA .,
Issues needed to be clarified by the BJP prior to declare the election manifesto.
i)present and future stand on common civilcode.
ii)article 356.
iii)un fullfilled earlier election promises.

i think BJP will again come back under the leadership of Shri vajpai ,with a overwhelming majority of 310-320 seats.

all the voters are requested to think about it and join discussion in this regards.



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