What is your personality? (Myers-Brigg)

Topic started by Ellen (@ c-66-177-115-58.se.client2.attbi.com) on Wed Apr 9 18:02:26 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Hey, has anyone taken the Myers-Brigg Test Inventory and discovered what is your personality? Also, comment on yourself in relation to your type and any other interesting tid bits about your type, please!

There are 4 dimentions:

Extraversion (E)...............Introversion (I)
Sensing (S)....................Intuitive (N)
Feeling (F)....................Thinking (T)
Judging (J)....................Perceiving (P)

There are more interesting details, but in a snap.........>

Extraverts like people and orient their energy to others and gain energy from others.
Intraverts draw energy from within themselves and like quiet time alone.

Sensing people are fact based, present oriented.
Intuitive people are idea and theory people, future oriented.

Feeling people are value-system based, people-based.
Thinking people are logic, rationally oriented. May disregard people's feelings on the extreme.

Judging people are organized (super-clean?), timely and punctual, decision-competent (need only short time to decide and very good at it too).
Perceiving people are spontaneous, not organized (messy rooms, anyone?), slow to decisions (must weigh all, I mean ALL options), lax and forgiving about time.


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