The homely Indian Girl and Abortions

Topic started by fridge (@ on Fri Sep 6 04:50:41 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Now my definition of the homely Indian girl is the girl who stays home and cooks for her family, sits and talks aunty stories and never goes out to dances, pubs or sometimes even movies. These are the girls who never discusses boys at home and would one day marry a nice rich boy that their father's would approve of. Well that is what I thought. I am a liberal woman who leads a liberal lifestyle, i think my thoughts are pretty liberal too and I could never see myself in the same bracket as a Homely Indian Girl

Over the last 6 months I met with 3 such homely girls , so I decided to do the nice indian girly things and stand around the stove and watch them cook, and asking inappropriate stuff like "so do you have a boyfriend" of course the answer was "oh no, my family would kill me"
these girls are a huge benefit to have around, as you can save on salon costs, they are excellent at painting nails, shaping brows and putting mendhi in your hair and they can cook very well,

It took a lot of struggle to get one of them to a coffee shop, she was terrified her father would be upset, My mother was present and encouraged her to go to the coffee shop, we had cheesecake and tea, is that a sin?, We were chatting and it was good to catch up with family that I had not seen in many years.

As time went on I discovered that all 3 of these homely girls have fallen pregnant and had abortions previously, These girls do not speak much at all, they appear very shy in male company. Being an older relative to two of them I felt so hurt that they had to go through such trauma, yet they seem okay. they are beyond okay they can now steal each others boyfriends as well.

Am I stupid to think that Good Indian girls do not do such stuff, or has the Indian community gone mad.



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