Why L K Advani resigned for hawala but not for babri masjid ?

Topic started by Kalpana (@ on Sun Jun 1 03:32:31 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

When a lot of politicians across the political spectrum were framed and charge sheeted in the 'Hawala' case in 1996,L K Advani was the only person-correct me if am wrong- who resigned from parliament and didn't not enter it for two years till he was cleared from the case.He said he resigned on moral grounds.

But why didn't he resign when he was charge sheeted in the babri masjid case ?.Now,the CBI has
charge sheeted him,should not he resign as the department which has charge sheeted him comes under his authority ?


Why resign for hawala but not for bari masjid ?


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