kavippErarasu Vairamuthu is awarded his 5th National Award!

Topic started by neo_morpheus (@ ppp- on Sat Jul 26 07:21:06 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

KavippErarasar has done thamizh proud again!:-)

Vairamuthu - has been widely acknowledged as "the poet" among Lyricists, has won the National Award for Best Lyrics for the fifth time in his career, for the Film "kannaththil muthamittAl".

The Previous films were :

1. "poongAtru thirumbumA" - "mudhal mariyAdhai"

2. "chinna chinna Asai" - "rOjA"

3. "pOrALE ponnuthAyi" - "karuththammA"

4. "mudhal muRai" - "sangamam"

Bolywood's celebrated hindhi lyricists/poets Javed Akhthar and Gulzar have both openly acknowledged that 'Vairamuthu is the Poet's Poet!".

KannadhAsan would have been very proud of Vairamuthu, if he had been alive in the present day. Vairamuthu would continue to enrich thamizh and enthrall thamizh people for many many years to come.

Let us all, thamizh people, share this happy moment and send our wishes and congratulations to the great poet-lyricist!:-)


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