Puri Beach Is The Last Place I Want To Be.

Topic started by Phil (@ webcacheb10a.cache.pol.co.uk) on Mon Nov 10 15:27:44 EST 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

The title of my thread will be obvious to anyone who has had the misfortune to find themselves in Puri. I had the good fortune to live in Calcutta, where I taught English, in the late 90's. I made many good friends and saw a great deal of India including the excellent state of Tamil Nadu. Along with Kerala, they are the jewels in the Indian crown. It is my plan to walk Adams Bridge and I would therefore welcome any advice or help in acheiving my goal. Anyone who wishes to find out more about living in Scotland, where I breed horses and sheep, please feel free to e-mail me.


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