Arrest of TamilNadu ex-CM

Topic started by Raja (@ on Fri Jun 29 23:53:40 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

In the early hrs of Saturday (1.45am) the ex-CM Mr.Karunanidhi was arrested without any arrest warrant and was taken into custody, the police brutally attacked him when he asked for the arrest warrant, the 78 yr old Politician was pulled out of his house roughly and was taken into custody, The Union Minister Mr.Muralsoli Maran who tried to save him was also thrown out of the house by a Police, this sort of activity should be severely dealt with and all the person including the existing CM Ms.Jayalalithaa and all the Police personnel who where behind the scene should be punished, Please do comment, This matter is a real threat to the Democratic nation and if this sought of activities continue Indians will lose confidence and start to think whether this is a Democratic conutry or a country ruled by any Dictator.


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