Drought in TN

Topic started by Hi (@ avproxy2.alcanet.com.au) on Mon Aug 26 02:39:04 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Severe drought conditions have forced farmers to sell off their cattle to raise money even for their day-to-day needs.

This means that a lot families are suffereing. This means aged adults, Children, infants are left without food. This means many many babies crying for milk are given just a helpless glances. Needless to state the sick without medicine.
Imagine just one morning when you can't get water when you want to brush. The people who are suffering can't get water to even clean essentials. It is not a matter to say "thats how it is".
If you are living in a foreign country, then you would have seen how the fellow citizens react when something like this happens.
People start donating money and ALL of the money will be utilised to help people in need. I am sure that there are such activities going on in TN. But still more can be done. Anybody who even thinks for a moment thinks of donating, forgets that idea because mishandling money has become more common occurence.

Any good suggestions/thoughts to make help reach the needy through channels that don't leak? Anyorganization that maintain an open account? Any true soul who wants a helping hand to help others?

anyone. anyone. anyone?


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