Maran's medical expenses are paid and will be paid by Kalanidhi Maran.

Topic started by Sam David (@ on Thu Jun 19 06:55:00 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Some people are saying that, "why our govt. should pay for the medical expense for the central minister Mr.M.Maran?"

What ever dues in Appollo hospital are already paid by Mr.Kalanidhi Maran. And also he has paid the expenses for the family members who ever taking care of him (M.Maran) and ataying with him in USA are already taken care by Kalanidhi Maran. And also he is ready to pay the entire medical expense for the treatment of M.Maran in USA hospital.

People are saying that, why our Govt. should pay for this maran. Govt. should not spent this much of money for a single person, it is better that let him die. It's public money, one should not waste it like this...etc.

Now these people can shut their mouth tightly.

Cricket player's medical expenses are taken care by the Indian cricke cricket council. PM, CM, central/state minister's medical expenses also taken care by the respective central or state Govt.

Sam David.


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