Criticising Brahmins in Films

Topic started by Brahmin (@ on Thu Sep 6 09:47:27 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Why r Brahmins targetted in Films ? They r potrayed as traitors. In most of the films they tease abt the brahmin culture. Is it because they r quite and don't react to all these ? I am sure if any other religion/caste was treated the same way there wd have been an uproar. I do agree that in olden times other castes faced lot of problems because of Brahmins, but, that was past. Brahmin community contributes a lot to the society. They r intelligent and nearly half of them are poor or from middle class families. But they don't enjoy any relaxations based on the financial background. Is there anyone to share my views?


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