Forcing One's Belief on Another

Topic started by Gunther (@ on Wed Sep 25 22:34:57 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

This is a live situation.

I have a relative whos is a Catholic (I am a Hindu). The whole family used to be very close with us for a long time, although they live in another country. During visits to my place, they used to be very liberal and visited temples in my place and even took part in prayers. In spite of this they were good Christians in that even when overseas, they did not miss Sunday services and other Christian pratices and rituals.

And then they discovered Pentecostalism.
First to go was the "pottu."
Although we were sad, we respected their choice. Of course visits has stopped totally.

Now let me come to the matter at hand. They used to send birthday cards to all of us. In the last few years, they began sending virtual cards.

But since their new "discovery" they have started sending greetings cards with Christian messages. I find this offensive as this actually amounts to forcing their beliefs on us.

While I will accept suggestions and advise, I also hope that people here can share greeting card services that are offered with Hindu sayings and prayers. I have google quite a bit, but I find cards even in Hindu sites, to be universal without any religious connotations.

I am talking about normal greetings like Birthdays, Anniversaries, etc, and not festival greeting cards.

Can anyone help?


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