Pork eating

Topic started by Hemant - UK (@ cache-ink-bas.cableinet.co.uk) on Thu Jul 12 14:03:35 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Pork provides many of the nutrients necessary
for healthy living. An important part of healthy
eating is to eat a wide variety of foods from all
the food groups. It is recommended that we
eat 2-3 3oz servings of meat or meat products a
day. Pork is a great way to meet this requirement. Pork is high in protein and is a significant source of iron which is essential for healthy living. But best of all pork is low in fat!

Please visit http://www.freshpork.com

Since pork is the cheapest food which is high
in nutritional values, I would like to start
a pork lovers' association.

Please tell me your opinions


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