Topic started by ARK (@ on Mon Aug 19 14:57:39 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

I had been thinking:- There have been many attractive women in Indian showbiz in the world of cinema, and to a lesser extent on Television. But I think that there was always a drought of good-looking girls in the fledgling veejay industry. Though I am a South Indian, born and brought up in Calcutta, I cannot say about Southies, and so I think the choice would be between those on MTV, Channel [V] and B4U Music. In my opinion it would be a toss-up between Kim Jagatiani of V and Ishitaa Arun of B4U. It would be very difficult to choose between the two as both are really cute and hot at once, also smart and around only 21. Kim is better at speaking and interacting with people outdoors, prolly as she has been brought and was living in Canada till three years back. Ishitaa speaks too much as though there is nothing that she doesn't know.

I also think that the ugliest veejay is Shenaz Treasurywalla of MTV, in fact she has probably the ugliest, cheapest, dirtiest and most repulsive face that I have known any person to possess. All my cousins and friends feel much the same. But what really irks me about her is that she thinks that she is really cute and attractive, I wish that somebody told her that she has the face of a born-pros****** and that not even those American boybands could get uglier than her, that too after emptying tonnes of makeup boxes on her ugly face. I do not have any crush on or infatuation with Kim or Ishitaa but the cutest vj has to be a toss-up between them.

Anyway, who in your opinion is the cutest female vj?


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