Why Indian Tamils should not support the Sri Lankan Tamils' separatist cause...

Topic started by Indian (@ host62-7-148-72.webport.bt.net) on Fri Jan 25 12:41:58 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Let me begin by saying that I know many Sri Lankan Tamils, and I have many Sri Lankan Tamil friends. They are all very nice people, quite close to me. I respect the Sri Lankan Tamil people. I also know that they are really suffering, the vast majority for no fault of theirs. Their situation is really tragic, not just poverty, but many are also deprived of their dignity.

I think that India and the rest of the world should do more to protect these people's rights. We must appoint UN observers and send in armed peacekeepers or impose sanctions on the Government of Sri Lanka if it fails to stop the army from committing atrocities against any people, not just Tamilians.

But I don't think Indian Tamils should support the Sri Lankan Tamils' separatist cause, for the following reasons:
1. Sri Lankan Tamils have shown a willingness to attack innocent Sinhalese villagers.
2. They assassinated Rajiv Gandhi.
3. The LTTE recruits child soldiers.
4. The leader of the LTTE, if he is truly a brave man, why doesn't he go to the frontline himself?
5. India is fighting against militants in Kashmir. We cannot accept Kashmir being taken away from us, so how can Sri Lankans give away part of their land?
6. Tamils say "Yaadhum oorae, yaavarum kaeLir". But Sri Lankan Tamils obviously don't know what that means (neither do many Indian Tamils, who hate Kannadigas and North Indians).
7. I live in the U.K. Do you know how embarrassing I find it when people ask me if I am a "Tamil tiger"? But I cannot complain, because that is the bad name the Sri Lankan Tamils have earned us. These guys are giving us a bad name.

The slowly growing support for the separatist cause of the Sri Lankan Tamils by Indian Tamils, especially politicians and the world of Tamil cinema is a DISGRACEFUL, SAD and DANGEROUS trend to say the least. Let us support their cause for justice, but not their demands for a separate country.


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