An Idiots Guide to awaken the Kumbakarnan

Topic started by C K Bharathy (@ on Sun Aug 19 22:04:10 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST. is trying out a biz plan co-operative networking which I think is needed some time or other . It is only a Q of when. Pls contact (details given below) if interested. You may discuss the topic here. If it creates any stir I can direct org to post answers/faqs and such.
What is new in
A network of Erumbugal has evolved, a core group with a goal to fuel a Social-Economic reniasance in Tamildom. So What is new about Erumbugal?

Once upon a time they talked of many things like all surfers; about films, haiku, politics, race, religion, environment,poetry,post modernism & arch medivevalism. We are fed up of empty rhetorics and condition of Tamildom.
But for one difference.
Your interest can be anything under the sun. We help you keep your interest alive and might even nudge you to enrich the group with your singular/eccentric insights.
But essentially Erumbugal are interested in the essense of the
whole thing, that is in you as an Individual.
Because Erumbugal is a Meta organism. It can digest a couple of post modernists for breakfast and still
have room for a few Maoists. Dissatisfied, the Erumbugal are creating a
public mindspace for action.
They are fed up of talking of other people's
films, of Bill Gate's Billions, killions. Gaping skywards at Empire state Building. Naturally it strains our neck too.
Needless to state that this applies for any other wonderful thing as well.

The simple question is What is in it for us?"

Why are we fed up? The Cyber culture has established itself as a powerful communicating and networking mechanism. With the right minds behind the network Cyber Group is a self learning, course correcting social organism with a life of its own. Modelled Properly Cyber has been effective catalyst for directed and
purposeful use in business and Societal changes.

The management gurus of Erumbugal believes in a self learning group with various expertise wired together to create a new ethos for Tamildom. The kind of networking calls for a change from "middle class" "mediocraciy" mindset to an entrepruenership. Taking

A co-operative network of Tamil Erumbugal is being actively forged in the backyard garages of
Thats right - If you wish to join the future. Contact ;

Said a Master
"Listen! Tie a hair to the mountain - then heave ho and pull, if it comes around then viola! it is the mountain you have in your hands, else it is only a strand of hair lost".


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