Quote Originally Posted by PARAMASHIVAN

Which centuray was Maanikavaasaka swamigal born ? and was it him who narrated the 'Periya puranam', 'Siva puranam' ?

Manikkavasagar (மாணிக்கவாசகர் - literally words like jewels) was a Tamil poet who wrote Tiruvacakam, a book of Shaiva hymns. Manikkavacakar was one of the poets of the Hindu bhakti revival: his work forms one volume of the Tirumurai, the key religious text of Tamil Shaiva Siddhanta. A minister to the Pandya king Varagunavarman II (c. 862 C.E. – 885 C.E.), he lived in Madurai. His work is a poetic expression of the joy of God-experience, the anguish of being separated from God. Although he is a prominent saint in Southern India, he is not counted among the sixty-three nayanars.