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Thread: muthalidam

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    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

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    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

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    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

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    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

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    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

  7. #296
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    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

  8. #297
    Senior Member Platinum Hubber pavalamani pragasam's Avatar
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    An unwelcome visitor

    Last evening my hubby & I went to wish my fil on his 86th birthday. After spending a nice evening with near & dear ones we proceeded to a local exhibition which was more crowded than we expected. Finished our simple supper there & returned home late. After finishing some chores I sat at the computer to catch up with my evening browsing arrears while hubby was changing channels in the TV trying to get sleepy enough to go to bed. We were keeping on our routine discussions, arguments & fights side by side. It was nearly midnight when I reached our bedroom when my hubby's loud shouting from the hall stopped me short. Returning hastily to the hall where we have been sitting for nearly 2 hours I saw him, to my horror, pointing to a thin, black, shining, 2-foot long slithering creature with remarkably marked design on its back right in front of the TV! My first thought was about my weak knees which I doubted would help me to jump on to the nearest chair. Quickly I came to my senses & shouted to my hubby to open the hall door leading to the verandah. Next I sprinted to the backyard & returned with a thin bamboo stick which I kept handy there. Hubby poked the creature with it making it slither out through the gap between the door & side frame. He beat it on the verandah. Then we pushed it onto the street where it was done to death.

    The builders of our new apartments have made the doors with a gap adequate enough for such creatures to enter easily. So far we have noticed mice & squirrels using that passage. But last night we knew snakes also prefer the passage.

    It was of the poisonous kind known as 'viriyan' in Tamil. There is a proverb our watchman recalled this morning: the viriyan stings only those whose life/fate has come to its end! 'vidhi mudinjavangaLaiththaan viriyan koththum'. Obviously ours have not come to that point yet!!!

    But no taking such high, fatal risks for us! We are thinking of ways of rectifying the gap error.

    The house being in the dark since we left well before dusk must have lured in the creature. But in a day we are leaving for a week's stay away in our children's place. Must be prepared for surprise visitors & unpaid tenants who know not to read 'No trespassing'!!!
    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

  9. #298
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    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

  10. #299
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    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

  11. #300
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    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

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