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Thread: The Hub

  1. #51
    Senior Member Platinum Hubber pavalamani pragasam's Avatar
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    Phenomenal Antithesis

    Long, warm rays the morning sun beams-
    The cool, short way to start another day.
    Vast dunes of dry sand undulate-
    A small play-court for probing, fertile minds.
    Hot lava pours out of volcanic mouths-
    Cold truths, they are, about death and destruction.
    The dense woods are silent-
    But they speak loud deep moods.
    The rolling waves are roaring-
    Yet a mute evidence of persistence.
    Woolly clouds pass across the skies-
    Often the still source of inspiration.
    The hoary mountains, for ages, stand aloft-
    Though forever young and strong to the eyes.
    Nature folds me into her teeming life-
    Giving me a vision of my lone inner self.
    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

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  3. #52
    Senior Member Platinum Hubber pavalamani pragasam's Avatar
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    The Right To Be

    The fish both big and small,
    The birds that are rare or common,
    The beasts whether wild or docile,
    The people both black and white,
    The smallest blade of grass
    And the tallest oak,
    The shallow pond and the deep ocean,
    The dark coal and the glittering gold,
    Have a place and a purpose in Nature.
    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

  4. #53
    Senior Member Diamond Hubber
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    Quote Originally Posted by pavalamani pragasam
    Have a place and a purpose in Nature.
    Anbe Sivam

  5. #54
    Senior Member Platinum Hubber pavalamani pragasam's Avatar
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    Heed not half-baked cookies called night dreams!
    The mind goes crazy during sleep,it seems-
    No sense or reason they ever show:
    Empty nothings helping nowhere to go.

    Not so the wakeful hour dreams-
    They’re bright,power-packed sunbeams
    Making the future colourful,
    Keeping the trudge meaningful.

    Inside cocoons of dreams lie
    Lovely works of art waiting to fly.
    Walk with the umbrella of dreams unfurled,
    Unscorched and undrenched in the world.

    Out of acorns of dream seeds
    Grow oaks of tremendous deeds.
    Out of wombs of dreams are delivered
    Monuments that are for ever wondered.

    Dreams often have sparked off revolutions
    Ushering in the much-needed solutions.
    Mental and literal shackles were broken,
    Sprightly steps towards liberty were taken.

    A cure for pain and misery,
    Aims the researching visionary,
    Wants to wipe out sorrow
    From the world’s golden tomorrow.

    Lifting spirits above the mundane
    Dreams are an energy gain-
    A kite soaring in the sky,
    A guiding star to navigate by.

    Dreams turn on hope’s spring,
    Roses out of thorny bushes bring,
    Like a battery in substance
    Form the soul’s very sustenance.

    Of dreams can we afford to be lavish,
    All the goodies in life to wish-
    May our dreams teem in thousands,
    At least hundreds will land in our hands.
    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

  6. #55
    Senior Member Platinum Hubber pavalamani pragasam's Avatar
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    Happy was I to walk in the early morn
    Watching a brand new day being born.
    The blades of grass crowned with glittering dew
    Wore the diamond for but minutes few.

    Ambling along the gorgeous lotus pond
    Sparkling drops on the leaves made me fond
    Of marvelling at Nature's sheer wonder-
    Gems rolling down when a frog moved under.

    Joy and sunshine abound where children gather
    Blowing glorious bubbles from soapy lather.
    I stopped enthralled in childlike fantasy
    But catching the floating magic was not easy.

    It's bliss to be with my beloved,
    Till the parting moment in me moved
    A sweet ache to see a brilliant tear
    Collect in her eye,hard anymore to bear.

    Yes,I know what I ought to do-
    Catch and keep the sparkle too-
    Make her my own with a diamond ring
    Heaven's choicest blessings on us to bring.
    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

  7. #56
    Senior Member Platinum Hubber pavalamani pragasam's Avatar
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    In Modern Terms
    Grow and multiply!
    A Divine blessing indeed.
    Nature is procreation-
    The axis on which the earth rotates.
    Nature,in modern terms,
    Is a factory
    Each part in its place
    Each action on time-
    Masterminded by our Creator.
    The Elements,the Seasons,
    The Revolutions,theCycles-
    Are in truth the perfect parts of
    A machinery of astounding complication
    Functioning with stunning precision.
    Perennnial fuelling,constant recycling,
    Phased regeneration and much more
    Make our earth the Eden it is.
    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

  8. #57
    Senior Member Platinum Hubber pavalamani pragasam's Avatar
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    Less is Less
    A faceless figure is graceless,
    A limbless body is luckless,
    A motionless life is meaningless,
    A penniless existence is passionless,
    A baseless structure is useless,
    A dreamless state is cheerless,
    A merciless fate is mindless.

    A purposeless journey is worthless,
    A scentless flower is glamourless,
    A loveless creature is soulless,
    A thoughtless act is senseless,
    A careless word is tactless,
    An artless expression is tasteless,
    A mindless mob is restless.

    A thornless path is hateless,
    A guileless mind is harmless,
    A weightless conscience is priceless,
    A guiltless being is dauntless,
    A fearless spirit is peerless,
    A flawless character is matchless,
    A selfless mission is endless
    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

  9. #58
    Senior Member Platinum Hubber pavalamani pragasam's Avatar
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    Blooms there a bright flower-
    But alas, after a short hour
    Begins to droop and whither;
    A turtle might for years prosper.

    Whimsical as a wind passing by,
    Life’s truths in deep mystery lie,
    No one knows why newborns die
    Or old bones for euthanasia cry.

    No life on earth is without reason-
    How long is not the criterion,
    How well be the spirit to go on;
    Be a meteor in history’s horizon.

    Uncertainty is life’s certain quality,
    Some want to eat, drink and be merry,
    Some like birds chirp without a worry,
    Some like bees build order for posterity.

    Realise life’s not a yoke to bear;
    Take time to stand and stare;
    Drink in the goodness everywhere;
    Fill your heart with joie de vivre.

    Poise and benevolence in viewing
    Make life a curse or blessing-
    Nature holds joy for the asking:
    Let love and innocence fill our being.

    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

  10. #59
    Senior Member Platinum Hubber pavalamani pragasam's Avatar
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    My dreams
    Dreams of a similar kind
    Haunt me almost every night.
    A pattern in them do I find,
    Let me bring it to the light.

    Putting all my fervour into pen,
    Sitting in a silent exam hall,
    My hand becomes heavy and leaden;
    Hard as I try I cannot write at all.

    I chance to see a horror,
    On first impulse I want to shout
    And cry with might for succour.
    Alas, no sound from me comes out!

    Close danger by me is sighted,
    “Run, run”, shouts my brain.
    But my feet stand rooted,
    All efforts to move are in vain.

    My body, no doubt, is agile
    During the day when awake.
    But in dreams the limbs are immobile
    And quite a strange stand they take.

    Sense and order stand behind
    Senses and actions during the day
    When in control of the conscious mind-
    Productive and progressive is their way.

    Unreal and unbelievable are the deeds,
    Utter chaos and confusion prevail
    In the dreams night’s sleep breeds-
    As good help or useful guide they fail.

    Be they vividly remembered
    Or only vaguely recalled,
    Dreams are best ignored
    And from memory uninstalled.
    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

  11. #60
    Senior Member Platinum Hubber pavalamani pragasam's Avatar
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    Worth of dreams
    The mind wakes in the morn
    Greeting the day that is born
    With countless thoughts surging,
    Like waves on the shore raging.

    It’s a scene of buzzing activity,
    A site of wonderful creativity,
    Churning out apt answers
    That find right action transfers.

    All the bustle comes to a close
    When the body lies down to repose.
    The mind calls it a day
    And shuts all thoughts away.

    An odd thing then happens,
    A secret screen soon opens-
    A midsummer night’s dream comes to view:
    Acts and scenes are bizarre and quiet new.

    When the conscious mind goes to sleep
    Its freakish twin lying down deep
    Pops up with impish vigour,
    Begins virtual thoughts to trigger.

    Both sweet dreams and scary nightmares
    Are bodings- a faith the gullible shares
    With millions across the globe
    Over ages- interesting to probe.

    Even if wives of Ceasars feared,
    Heroes have trod on undeterred.
    As superstitious holds dreams persist
    Which the prudent strain hard to resist.

    Though a subject to be pooh-poohed,
    With perverse piety is it often wooed.
    Mountains of molehills people make,
    Pride of place Freudian theories take.

    Dreams are worth not a thought,
    Dissections of psyche they deserve not.
    To the conscious mind remain geared;
    The subconscious mind is best ignored.
    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

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