Upgrade [English : 2018 : 1h35m : Oddball Science Fiction]
Written & directed by Leigh Whannell

Starring : Logan Marshall-Green (he resembles a lot to Tom Hardy, a reason that kept me glued to the screen)

Upgrade is an exploitation film. It is a richly made B-Film. Grey's life suddenly gets sucked into void. He looses his girlfirend and physically becomes a vegetable. He gets an upgrade done by Eron, a tech innovator, and soon is befriended by Stem who seems to know much more than Grey could ever thought of. Thus, Grey and Stem embark into the dark world of vengence.

Upgrade has few graphic violence, nothing that could not be managed, still viewers discretion is advised. The entire film depends upon Logan, and he has pulled off each physical movement demanded by the character he is playing. The film has few sleek action blocks filmed using camera techniques assited by a fabulous bgm score. the special effects are done with atmost care not to make them look like special effects. The film looks more like an updraded version of 'Robocop' with the ambience of 'Hugo with a Shotgun' and is certainly not an artsploitation. Upgrade is neat entertainer, if you are into exploitation films.

Upgrade - A-Part