The Visit [2015 : English : Thriller (Horror, Cringe Comedy) - Found Footage : 1h35m ]

Family circumstances put teens Becca & Tyler to visit their grandparents for the week. Happy to be with their Nana & Papa, the teens soon discover the bizzare behaviour of their grand-parents, esp., during the night. Explanations about illness that takes over during oldage, reasures them untill they start to experience fear. But as usual the realisation comes too late.

A creepy & fun movie. It is certainly for faint hearted, and if you are watching it beside/with them The Visit would be 'intensely humoristic'. Deanna Dunagan who plays Nana is too good. Found the music score & the songs playing in the background enjoyable, well if you are a horror genre fan. And for those who are allergic to Found Footage just like me, this film does not shake that much and is easily watchable like any other ordinary movie (except towards the climax, where the runnings begin, but still manageable).

The Visit - "There's something wrong with Nana"