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Thread: The Hub

  1. #61
    Senior Member Platinum Hubber pavalamani pragasam's Avatar
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    On danger’s brink

    Green earth’s Day is today
    To pledge to stop its decay
    To stop a minute to think
    Of being on danger’s brink

    Having eliminated many a link
    Food chain doth in adversity sink
    Waters poisoned with hazardous wastes
    Nonbiodegradable garbage, new mountains
    Uncontrolled gases from modern comforts
    Put globe’s roof in warming discomforts
    Denuded forests disturbing wild life
    Goad natural forces into horrid strife
    Genetic engineering a Frankenstein’s toy
    Waits to wipe out eventually people’s joy
    Laboratories are hiding horrors unborn
    Purpose and ethics from research are torn.

    New is an evolution unknown to Darwin
    A metamorphosis undreamt of by Freud
    The roaring lions are now meowing
    The cackling hens are here crowing
    After atomic and chemical weapon
    Humanity’s latest threat in motion!
    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

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  3. #62
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    Anbe Sivam

  4. #63
    Senior Member Platinum Hubber pavalamani pragasam's Avatar
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    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

  5. #64
    Senior Member Platinum Hubber pavalamani pragasam's Avatar
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    A like-minded friend's comment in another site where I had posted this simultaneously

    <Sarada v. says:

    valid lament of an eco-conscious mind.Well said ( or "versed" !)When will we awaken to stem to the degradation?Sigh !........but the last stanza! Beguiling ! concerns going beyond the mere physical earth - into realms of Inner degradation......lions and hens !....rings true, especially to the generation older than Gen-X ! Still, a thought,dear. Did the hen crow (or roar) because of changed times or did times change because the hen crowed ? Adapting to the flow,which is directed by not one but a thousand defining factors , would seem like darwinian metamorphosis, no ?......(BTW, never subscribed much to that old Freud ! - the chap studied troubled minds and postulated blanket theories for whole humanity ! My opinion !)- regards >
    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

  6. #65
    Senior Member Platinum Hubber pavalamani pragasam's Avatar
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    As part of the celebrations for environmental awareness tomorrow an environmental association had announced essay, poem & painting competitions with a title for each. Here is my entry:

    Environment of today’s Madurai and tomorrow’s Madurai which I like

    Our Madurai, a gem among cities ancient,
    Shaped uniquely like a lotus magnificent,
    Sung in epics and sangam literature,
    Rich in refined and lofty culture
    Retains its original style, flavour and face;
    Resists the shocking ultramodern global pace,
    Never stopped growing grander, brighter, broader
    A steady expansion sees our beloved city’s border;
    Wooded surroundings of buildings survived changes
    Of rulers and reigns, always cherished down the ages.

    Small and old parks interspersed in our dear city
    With proper care may render health and beauty-
    Lungs of the buzzing city in reality
    Make chances of pure air available plenty;
    Now in Madurai like a lovely dazzling damsel
    One exemplary Eco Park doth in green grace excel,
    A lot more good and joy may come here to dwell
    If other parts of the city get a similar one as well.

    Bright, bushy, flowery medians may
    Cheer everyone commuting either way
    On roads branching out like green arms
    From the gracefully growing city of charms,
    A real feast shall they be to the eye
    While to vehicular pollution saying bye
    Let them hold bouquets of warm welcome-
    Smiles of hospitality, fresh and winsome.

    Our good old king Asoka shall we copy
    And on highways create a green canopy.
    Lush lotus and lily ponds are for apartments gone,
    Grow huge, shady trees in their common areas to atone!
    Find ways to propagate the message and the seeds
    Making us Maduraites aware of our green needs!
    When we gift someone a bouquet of flowers
    After a few hours the bright beauty withers;
    If we present a sapling with pleasure
    It shall grow into a lifetime treasure.

    Out of small seeds do mighty oaks grow-
    In small kids’ minds green ideas let us sow.
    May this urgent message all quarters reach
    And let us practice what we here preach!
    To create an Eden shall we dream and dare
    And watch it materialize with our tender care!
    Plant shall we a cool, green tomorrow
    And wisely avoid unwanted sorrow.

    Strongly shall we say ‘no’ to non-degradable waste,
    Hence shall we surely ethereal pleasures taste.
    No more scattered litter be found anywhere,
    Each citizen be ever on toes to fulfil his share
    Of keeping our own city clean and green.
    As a real paradise will it soon be seen,
    Enviable name and fame shall be ours-
    United we stand to prove our powers.
    Our tireless greening efforts shall not stop
    Till our proud city reaches the list’s top.

    (The results of the competitions are awaited).
    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

  7. #66
    Senior Member Veteran Hubber sarna_blr's Avatar
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    yaadhum oorEy ; yaavarum kElir
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    enna maadhiri common men'ku puriyura english'la ezhudha maatteengalaa...

    ovvoru word'kum wordweb'la meaning paaththu padikka vEndiyadhaa irukku...
    Seven social sins:
    1.Politics without principles
    2.Wealth without work
    3.Pleasure without conscience
    4.Knowledge without character
    5.Commerce without morality
    6.Science without humanity
    7.Worship without sacrifice

  8. #67
    Senior Member Platinum Hubber pavalamani pragasam's Avatar
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    And that helps improve/increase your vocabulary!
    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

  9. #68
    Senior Member Platinum Hubber pavalamani pragasam's Avatar
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    The Empty Nest

    Flitted the pair hither and thither
    Dedicated in their endeavour
    Filled the air with their twitter
    Their project was no small matter

    Little time had they to lose
    Tugging at twigs to choose
    The right place for their nest
    A spot that shall be the safest

    The selection over execution began
    Building the nest as fast as they can
    A cosy little home neatly woven
    All their inborn skills got proven

    Pat came the eggs as expected
    And the hatching phase started
    Much resembling a penance
    Unbelievable is their patience

    Out came the awaited nestlings
    Feeble screeching hungry things
    The parents rested not a moment
    On endless food hunt they went

    The beady eyes soon opened
    A fast growth then happened
    With downy feathers and tiny wings
    Fluffy balls were those fledgelings

    Time was ripe to venture out
    Anxious moments no doubt
    To guide them the parents sweated
    And of dangers were they alerted

    The hectic training ended
    A heavy silence descended
    Do birds like humans grieve
    To see their children leave?
    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

  10. #69
    Senior Member Platinum Hubber pavalamani pragasam's Avatar
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    Wonder of the Era

    It is awake round the clock
    Its eyelids never seem to lock

    Attracts man and woman equally
    By far the humankind’s best ally

    Fail not its long tentacles to probe
    Each nook and corner of the globe

    An addiction for young and old
    Hooked irredeemably in its hold

    Stands on fingertip the wide world
    To see realms of fantasies unfurled

    A fitting forum for gossip spicy
    Amid gleeful absence of secrecy

    A proper vehicle for all our thoughts
    Listeners gathered in amicable knots

    A genie waiting for our command
    To fulfill any task we may demand

    A sage with answers to all queries
    To clear away doubts and worries

    An audio-video feast of choice
    Acclaimed cheerily in one voice

    The best resort for rest and work alike
    To learn, to earn, the best bet to strike

    A companion for lonely souls to hold fast
    Making cruel boredom a thing of the past

    How can it belong to the neuter gender,
    The internet, our new era’s best wonder?
    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

  11. #70
    Senior Member Platinum Hubber pavalamani pragasam's Avatar
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    Twenty is followed by its half
    Time to feel light and laugh

    Two thousand years and ten
    Twice and more joy for men

    Two tens keep a single ten near
    Be not tense, peace descends here

    A zero after number two, another after one are seen:
    He and she tho’ two become one with love between

    Twenty marching ahead, ten trailing behind
    Heralds the golden era of sublime mankind

    Nought stands after two and nought again after one
    No enemy for you and me, one world with war gone

    Two thousand and ten is a number round
    May health, wealth and mirth then abound!
    Eager to watch the trends of the world & to nurture in the youth who carry the future world on their shoulders a right sense of values.

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