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Evangelism, Reality and Terrorism

December 7, 2003, 10:29 am

Sarath Bulathsinghala

In Sri Lanka as in India we are now facing the onslaught of the Christian Evangelism. In fact it is only recently that a near senile Pope Jean Paul II on a visit to India proclaimed the 21st Century to be the century for Asia; meaning it is the century for converting Asia to Christianity. This is what the Catholic Church means by having a “Peace Dialogue” with other religions in Asia. What Pope has done is a literal declaration of war. It is for us to take the challenge and meet his declaration of religious war as another form of present day terrorism.

It is necessary to let the evangelizers know that we have seen them for what they are and know what their goals are. We must tell them that their goals are not compatible with our way of living. It can be said with authority that throughout over 2500 years of Buddhist history that not a single drop of blood has been shed in converting another human being to the Buddhist faith. However, we have shed blood in the past when the situation so demanded to save our faith and heritage. I guess the same thing can be said for Hinduism as well. Therefore evangelizers beware and don’t take Buddhist and Hindus for granted!

When Arjuna stood in the battle field lamenting about the fate of his kith and kin, Lord Krishna admonished him to go forth and do his duty -to take the battle to his enemy who at that time comprised of his close kith and kin. Whichever sides we stand on the battle line it is our bounden duty to do our duty for otherwise we betray whom we belong to and represent - in this case our faith and our heritage. We will not be doing our duty if we fight on the side of the enemy as most of our political leaders and their followers are doing today. All rights and wrongs are subjective to the perceived reality of our collective environment. Only what remains is our duty to those whom we represent.

India is by and large a Hindu country and Sri Lanka, similarly a Buddhist country. Indian heritage is basically Hindu and Sri Lankan heritage is basically Buddhist. This is what we have to protect. It is our heritage that makes one Indian and another Sri Lankan and finally gives us a sense of identity. If we lose our heritage we will one day end up like the Phillipinoes in the Philippines, all dignity taken away and identified in the name of a Spanish invader king. Perhaps if the same thing were to happen to India or Sri Lanka we may end up one day being called Jean Paulians after Pope Jean Paul II.

First of all let us look at what Christian religious conversion means. It means converting a person belonging to another religion to Christianity – has it got ‘anything new’ to offer to us Indians and Sri Lankans in the first place and then to Asia . What do the converted attain by conversion?

All religions are “theories of everything”; because every religion has a view which explains the world around us completely however odd that view may be from another person’s perspective. What are these views? These are actually models which explain the totality of our experience. Knowing reality is a graduation process. We graduate from one model to another always seeking one which can at best give an explanation to our existence without insulting our current intelligence. When one model fails to address our needs we move to another which gives a better explanation if we have the courage to do so. There is no need to carry around useless ‘baggage’ when we know they are of no use.

When I was a child my grandmother told me that the whole world is carried on its back by a giant sleeping tortoise. This view was good to me till I found that this model of the world did not coincide with what I was learning and experiencing. Then I was told that the Sun and the Moon with the rest of the heavens are moving around the earth. This too was a good explanation till I learned of the heliocentric theory put forward by Copernicus. Now I know that this model too is not what accords with scientific observations. We know now that our mother earth is just a small planet orbiting middle sized second generation star in the outer reaches of our galaxy – the Milky Way. The Milky Way which has Hundreds of Billions stars, similar to our own, itself being one of the Hundreds of Billions of galaxies estimated to be in the visible Universe of today. It is also increasingly evident that the probability for the existence of Earth like planets in the Universe and hence other forms of living beings is very high.

The scientific inquiry has gained ground at an exponential scale since Galileo, Coppernicus, Tycho Brahe, Kepler, Newton and Einstein led the way. The modern day Physicists are now largely left with the task of finding a unification theory for the four forces of nature; viz weak nuclear force, strong nuclear force, electro magnetic force and gravitation. At present it is only the gravitation which is preventing the unity of the theory of relativity (which describes large scale structures of the universe) and quantum mechanics (which describes the subatomic structures). The quest for the final reality of existence seems to evading mankind and an understanding of an ultimate reality remains an elusive and a moving horizon – forever beckoning but not reachable for the mundane.

The Universe itself seems to be out of balance unless we can contend with what is now called Dark Matter and Vacuum Energy. The much tooted Big Bang theory remains just another theory with the possibility of “Parallel Universes” a very real possibility or even a necessity for the explanation of certain quantum level phenomena. Time and space remain ‘relative’ in the cognizable universe. Increasingly all remain shadows or constructs of a Universal Consciousness. Consciousness study seems to be the latest frontier of scientific study. However it is possible that reality will forever remain behind a receding ‘horizon’ for those of us who live in this dualistic and mundane existence which Buddhists and Hindus called Samsara.

In to this melee comes religion. Religion or a system of beliefs at best must come to the rescue of the seeker for the final reality and be able to bridge the gap from what is observable and knowable through scientific observations and deductions to whatever the Final Reality is. The Final Reality or the Ultimate Truth can only be known to the “Enlightened Ones”. The “Enlightened Ones” can only show us the path to “Enlightenment”. So the Final Reality is open to us only with our own “Enlightenment”. It is not something that can be expressed in scientific terms nor knowable with the limited faculties we possess or expressible by the Enlightened Ones to us through our limited vocabulary. It is not something that can be taught – it can only be realized!

The Hindu seers say “All there is, is Consciousness” and Lord Buddha said that “All phenomena are mind made”. There is an increase incidence of more and more in the scientific world taking a close look at Hinduism and Buddhism as a way of trying to understand the Ultimate Reality.

The old Abrahamic religions have little to offer in this realm of scientific inquiry. The extent to which they stand in the way of scientific inquiry is amply demonstrated in the following quotation by Stephen W Hawking the word famous Astro-physicist who is now the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University, a post once held by Newton an later by P A M Dirac.

In his book “ A Brief History of Time” – Stephen W Hawking says:-

“Throughout the 1970s I had been mainly studying black holes, but in 1981 my interest in questions about the origin and fate of the Universe was reawakened when I attended a conference on cosmology organized by the Jesuits in the Vatican. The Catholic Church had made a bad mistake with Galeleo, when it tried to lay down the law on a question of science, declaring that the sun went round the earth. Now centuries later, it had decided to invite a number of experts to advise it on cosmology. At the end of the conference the participants were granted an audience with the pope. He told us that it was all right to study the evolution of the universe after the Big Bang, but we should not inquire into the Big Bang itself because that was the moment of Creation and therefore the work of God. I was glad that then that he did not know the subject of the talk I had just given at the conference – the possibility that space-time was finite but had no boundary, which means that it had no beginning, no moment of creation. I had no desire to share the fate of Galeleo, with whom I feel a strong sense of identity, partly because of the coincidence of having been born exactly 300 years after his death!”

In the United States those whose mind sets are still lost in the dark ages, are concocting Christian Creationism - A Universe created a mere 6000 years ago complete with fossils as a counter to Darwinism and its variations favored by the scientific community. No wonder the Creationists are the laughing stock of the scientific community!

Now let us look at what Christianity really is. Christianity at best is a watered down version of Buddhist morals preached by a person named Jesus. There is a period in his life time, where his whereabouts were not known.. Some research even show that he was in India at this time. This was India over 500 years after the passing away of Lord Buddha and over two hundred years after the reign of the greatest King and Emperor the world has even known – Asoka the Great! It is well known that the Great Emperor sent Buddhist missionaries to the four corners of the then known world. (The Original Jesus – The Buddhist sources of Christianity -By Elmar R Grubar & Holger Kersten)

There is evidence to show that Jesus had come into contact with Buddhists and studied Buddhism This may be one reason that his teachings were a shock and not readily acceptable to the people of Palestine of the time, who were followers of Abrahamic religion and Mosaic Laws and used to the laws of “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. No wonder he was crucified! There is also much evidence to show that Jesus was betrayed by his followers, condemned to be crucified, crucified, feigned death, did not die on the cross (there is a man in the Philippines who has got crucified now over 10 times as a penance but yet alive) , was later revived by his friends, married and led a secretive life, sired several children and passed away in his late sixties.

Therefore those who are trying to bring Christianity to Asia should be likened to those who try to carry ‘dirty coal to New Castle’ for they have nothing ‘new’ to offer! So if Christianity has nothing new to offer other than taking us back to Dark Ages, what is its role in trying to evangelize Asia. It is nothing other than power politics and world domination. They have lost their flock in Europe and in North America and with that a sizeable income. They are already paying hundreds of millions of dollars as compensation for the deeds of their pedophilic priests. It is a well known historical fact that the civilized world lost nearly 500 years of human progress due to Dogmatic Christianity of the Dark Ages in Europe. This was the blood drenched period of Catholic Inquisitions and religious wars – the infamous crusades in Europe and Middle East. Added to these one must consider the atrocities committed by the Portuguese in our own back yards in India and in Sri Lanka driven by the same evangelizing fever.

When the Roman emperor Constantine made Christianity the official religion of his empire, he gave the Bloody Roman Empire a new lease of life and named it the Holy Roman Empire. His vision was one of material as well as moral domination of the world. Its present day custodian the Vatican is the modern day version of the Holy Roman Empire.

Evangelism is another form of modern day terrorism. In fact they are sowing the seeds of future terrorism in today’s peaceful lands. Their targets are the sick, the infirm, the destitute, the impoverished and the displaced. They strike their victims when they are at their lowest self esteem. This is why evangelizing hordes frequent such places and communities. They come to divide families, communities, nations and create dissension.

In the first instance proselytization and evangelical conversions should be branded as versions of terrorism. If we can prevent future blood shed then it should be done now. There are thousands of Christian NGOs working surreptitiously in Asia spawning dissension and mayhem. Nagaland a former Buddhist hinterland now a Christian enclave engaged in a separatist war with India is a case in point. Now they are targeting Dalits and other minorities in the mainland India.

In Indonesia the majority Muslims lived in harmony with their minority Christians until recent times when the evangelical hordes arrived. In Indonesia there are families where the father is Muslim and the mother, Christian and vice versa, living in complete harmony. It is at this stage recently the Evangelizers with their funding descended and created havoc. Outwardly what you will see is Muslims burning Christian Churches, behind the scenes it is the Evangelizers spawning dissension and violence. This scenario is repeated ad-nauseum in India, Sri Lanka and in the rest of Asia.

Now the question is, are we to wait and be let our heritages be butchered by the evangelizing hordes. No, we must all unite and let the world know that we are fully aware of this danger. These hordes are another fifth column that represents Terrorism. Terrorism being a negation of civilized living should be exposed and exterminated. We will do so without hatred, just like we don’t have to invoke hatred to destroy and eradicate smallpox. The Evangelizing NGO hordes should be excised in the same way we would extricate a cancer from our body – not out of hatred, but out of necessity and for the continued well being of our civilized existence.

It is now up to the countries in Asia to take note and take preemptive strikes against this new form of Terrorism before the cancer of evangelization destroys all that we hold sacred and dear – our culture, heritage, our people and our very sense of identity!


Note: The views expressed on this site are those of the respective authors and not necessarily those of IACA. This organization is in no way anti-Christian but rather anti-conversion. For more information about us, click here.

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