Kondaattams (vattals) from kerala

Topic started by keralacook (@ on Wed Apr 10 06:29:05 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Kondaattams are dried vegetables ready for fry and eat with rice. They can be made of various vegetables. Here is a sample of few kondattam recipes.

Thairu mulaku:- Split green chillies into two vertically, till about three fourth of the length. Now, immerse and soak them in a vesselful of curd with salt. Cover it and keep aside for a day. Next day, take the chillies out of the solution using a spoon and dry under sun. In the evening, take the chillies and put back into curd. Repeat this process for 4-5 days, till the curd is completely absorbed by the chillies. Now, dry the chillies for one more day and store in tins. These can be deep fried in cooking oil and used with rice or dosa or idly. :-)

Kaipakkaa kondaattam:- Wash the kaipakkas(pavakka/bittergourd) and cut into thin rings.
Now do the same processing with curd, as done in the case of Thairu mulaku above.

Likewise, you can make kondattams out of many vegetables like payar, vendakka (ladies finger), chundanga (chundakkai) and even from raw vegetable parts like pumpkin skin.

Enjoy the crispy kondaattams....


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