Plight of female artists

Topic started by KVS Sharma (@ on Mon Oct 23 01:14:02 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Why is GENDER BIAS prevalent in carnatic music?
This gives a primitive look to the CARANATIC MUSIC ART.
Female Violinists of high caliber like Narmada (d/o MSG), Bangalore Dr. Jyotsna Srikanth,
Bombay Gayatri, Bombay Ranjani etc are in no way less talented to their male (violinist)
Upcoming artists like TNS Krishna, Unnikrishna, Sanjay Subramanyam etc.,
Who are still in their initial decades of their performing careers have already picked
up these (wrong) clues/samskaarams from their Gurus/Parents.
Its better that these civilized artistes read torchbearers know that they were borne by a lady even before they were born. Let them not continue this hypocritical legacy of what I call as a
Karaikudi-Mani-Iyer-Legacy of not sharing the dais with a female.
God knows the funda of this philosophy. Let them also then say that they would not
perform for lady audience. Oops! Then their career is at stake.
This country which boasts of a rich culture, implicitly meaning that we treat ladies
like mothers & daughters, now has artist who do not take female artists for accompaniment.
I suggest we should take legal actions against gender-biasing-artists who are the
torchbearers of this nation's cultural heritage.



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